Jhonatan da Silva

Jhonatan da Silva

My Box Set of Tutorials 2021

If you have any interests in the three of the following topics, this box set of tutorials would really interest you!

  1. Programming
  2. Game Dev + Art
  3. Productivity

Check it out Box Set of Tutorials 2021

The idea of the box set of tutorials is really simple, I got from Trent Kaniuga

Here's a brief preview of what I prettend to add in the box along the year. The ones that have ✅, are the ones that are already published

June 2021


  1. Creating a python script to manage your notes
  2. Using redis with docker - pomodoro script

Game Dev + Art

  1. How to make a simple isometric game with Unity


  1. A Practical approach on Zettelkasten

Coming Soon

Game Dev + Art

  • Can AI learn to play your game by herself? MLAgents in Unity
  • Making level props with Blender

These will probably be more towards the end of the year

  • Making a simple character with Blender
  • Rigging a simple character with Blender
  • Walking, Jumping and Running animations for our Characters
  • Bringing an animated character to our isometric game

Price Log

  1. May 31 - July 31: $4.99
  2. Aug 1 - $9.99
